Clearing Ego & Creating Magic

Change: make (someone or something) different; alter or modify. Replace (something) with something else, especially something of the same kind that is newer or better; substitute one thing for (another
Transformation: A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. A metamorphosis

To change is to alter, while to transform is to reconstruct.

“Change is incremental and knowable. Transformation is discontinuous and unknowable. It is a breakthrough.” ~ Christopher McAuliffe

Change is moving the same furniture around, while transformation is a full home renovation and new furnishings!

Change is cutting up the downed trees, while transformation is the fire that burns the entire forest down – leaving in its wake the fertile earth and all of the seeds to grow and create a new ecosystem!

Change is for the ego, while transformation is for the spirit!


There are lots of ways to change! Get a new haircut, change your clothes, move houses, put on a smile, change your diet or workout routine, change jobs, get a partner/leave your partner, get more sleep, cancel your plans/make some plans, change directions… I could go on…

Transformation takes a commitment. It takes brutal self-awareness, honesty, vision, goal-setting, consistent actions and ongoing practices, accountability, acknowledgment and rewards – and a whole lot of compassion, growth, forgiveness and support.

We all make changes on a regular basis. Changes are great! They’re fun, relieving, exciting! …and temporary. Even if you change your job, leave your partner and get a haircut and new outfit… things eventually start to feel “normal” again.

But being inside of a transformation is never-ending! When your thoughts, words and actions start to shift, and you realize you’re not the same person you were for the last 30 (or 60!) years… the world becomes a playground again! Curiosity and wonder are restored, anything and everything is possible, and you are limitless!

Change is simple, and transformation is complex. Transformation is not comfortable. It’s icky and achy. It asks you to love the parts of yourself that you want to dismiss, to embrace all that you are, and to bury your old way of Being with a seed of intention. And then it asks you to become the seed, to break yourself open and push your way through the dirt, and to stand in your infancy in the bright-beaming sun, and grow!

Change is what we do to spice it up. Transformation is the bone we cook into an entire pot of delicious, warming, fill-you-up-and-take-a-satisfying-nap-after Soup. You gotta get you some of that!