Clearing Ego & Creating Magic

Life coaching is a relatively new field. Its origins trace back to the 1960s & ‘70s, from ideas of self-realization, and expanded in the 1980s & ‘90s to apply to both personal development and business growth. Some of life coaching’s founding fathers are Warner Erhard, Timothy Gallway, Thomas Leonard, John Whitmore and Graham Alexander. Great thinking led to experimentation, realization, and an entire industry of possibility and proven results. And that’s exactly what coaching is about!

Back in the 1990s, and even until recent years, coaching was viewed as something only executives could gain access to. As people heard about the proven benefits generated by coaching, they decided to see what hiring a coach could do for them. Now, coaching is one of the world’s top growing industries—and that’s because it works!


What is Life Coaching?

According to ICF (International Coaching Federation), coaching is defined as, “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

Coaching maintains a neutral point of view in combination with listening, thinking, questioning, and accountability to generate transformation in clients’ lives. Coaches use these tools from an unattached perspective to assist the client in unravelling issues, thinking in different ways, getting unstuck and in action (despite their obstacles), being accountable to themselves, and seeing their own greatness and the possibilities available to them. Partnering with a coach leads to growth, confidence and increased fulfillment.

Areas many people want coaching on include relationships, career and work, finances, health and well-being, spirituality, living environment, and life planning. Coaching is especially helpful to people in transition (getting married or divorced, starting a new career or growing in their career, or ready to make substantial shifts in their general life).

Coaching helps you:

  • Clarify your goals, create an action plan and gain momentum in projects
  • Identify stops, blocks and obstacles holding you back
  • Develop strategies for overcoming your stops, blocks and obstacles
  • Identify your strengths and gifts
  • Be supported while you work toward your goals
  • Maintain what you’ve achieved long-term
  • Increase productivity and flexibility
  • Increase commitment and satisfaction
  • Live a life aligned to your authentic self
  • Feel fulfilled and proud of yourself


The benefits of coaching are plentiful! Emotional benefits include increased autonomy, motivation, confidence, peace of mind, fulfillment, inspiration and purpose. Reported benefits to engaging in coaching include (but are not limited to):

  • Accountability (staying on task and track)
  • Fresh perspective (seeing patterns, solutions and previously unseen talents and abilities)
  • Goal setting (narrowing down priorities and defining goals to achieve)
  • Unbiased feedback (an accurate, current reflection of yourself and your progress)
  • Necessary push (encouragement to get out of your comfort zone, expand your boundaries and barriers, and see what you’re capable of)
  • A lasting impact (a real transformation, not just a temporary change)
  • Interpersonal effectiveness (better listening, empathy, communication, boundaries and collaboration)
  • Adaptability (willingness to grow, learn and adapt to new situations)
  • Bravery (understanding and overcoming fear and anxieties)
  • Improved health and energy management


With benefits like that, who wouldn’t want to hire a coach?!

Please note that coaching is currently an unregulated field, and anyone can call themselves a coach. Therefore, not all coaches adhere to the guidelines set forth by the ICF core competencies and code of ethics. Not all proclaimed coaches engage in coaching (as it is defined by the ICF). The benefits listed above relate directly to ICF credentialed coaches.

However, coaches who obtain a certification through the ICF are required to complete an ACTP (Accredited Coach Training Program) or equivalent training, and meet certain requirements before the credential will be given to them.

Now you know where coaching comes from, how it has evolved, what coaches do, how partnering with one could benefit your life, and what to look for when hiring a coach. The next steps are up to you!

If you’re interested in discussing life coaching and/or wanting to experience a session, please contact me today!



“The Benefits of Life Coaching.” Family First Therapy, Family First Therapy, 22 July 2019,

Bundrant, Mike. “The 33 Awesome Benefits of Life Coaching You Need to Know.” INLP Center, 14 Nov. 2021,

Ditzell, Jeff. “5 Benefits of Having a Life Coach: Life Coaching Guide.” New York’s Top Psychiatrist – Dr. Jeff Ditzell | Online Appointments Available, 4 Feb. 2021,

Harvey, Benjamin J. “Why Coaching Is One of the Fastest Growing Industries in the World.” Authentic Education, 8 Apr. 2021,

Hazlegreaves, Steph. “The Growth and Impact of the Coaching Industry.” Open Access Government, 19 June 2020,

“The History of Life Coaching.” Life Coach Hub,

Miller, Kori D. “30 Proven Benefits of Life Coaching & Mentoring.”, 8 Dec. 2021,