Clearing Ego & Creating Magic

Coaching helps you:

  • Clarify your goals, create an action plan and gain momentum in projects
  • Identify stops, blocks and obstacles holding you back
  • Develop strategies for overcoming your stops, blocks and obstacles
  • Identify your strengths and gifts
  • Be supported while you work toward your goals
  • Maintain what you’ve achieved long-term
  • Increase productivity and flexibility
  • Increase commitment and satisfaction
  • Live a life aligned to your authentic self
  • Feel fulfilled and proud of yourself

The benefits of coaching are plentiful! Emotional benefits include increased autonomy, motivation, confidence, peace of mind, fulfillment, inspiration and purpose. Reported benefits to engaging in coaching include (but are not limited to):

  • Accountability (staying on task and track)
  • Fresh Perspective (seeing patterns, solutions and previously unseen talents and abilities)
  • Goal Setting (narrowing down priorities and defining goals to achieve)
  • Unbiased Feedback (an accurate, current reflection of yourself and your progress)
  • Necessary Push (encouragement to get out of your comfort zone, expand your boundaries and barriers, and see what you’re capable of)
  • Lasting Impact (a real transformation, not just a temporary change)
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness (better listening, empathy, communication, boundaries and collaboration)
  • Adaptability (willingness to grow, learn and adapt to new situations)
  • Bravery (understanding and overcoming fear and anxieties)
  • Improved Health & Energy Management

Below are some benefits my clients have reported from their experience with coaching…

Project Design: By designing a project from the future back to the present moment, it is more easily achievable. Coaching helps with creating projects, goal-setting (breaking it down into a manageable plan), and creating actions and accountability to complete it. Through designing and fulfilling their projects, people report feeling capable, confident, worthy, excited, powerful, and an increased sense of trust in themselves. They realize forward progress and momentum in the direction of their choosing, as well as new ways of Being and doing things that are more effective for achieving their vision. This tool can be used for any future projects you wish to create. They are able to see and realize their potential whenever they choose!

Self-awareness: While discussing movement on projects and other areas of life, we explore the inner workings of your mind together to identify stops, resistance, patterns, emotions, limiting beliefs and automatic ways of being which stop you from achieving your goals. This leads to a greater consciousness of yourself, and empowers you to create structures to “get out ahead” of whatever is keeping you stuck. This type of self-awareness leaves clients feeling capable of moving through difficult patterns, responsible for their process, and empowered to shift their energy and continue in transformation. It allows them to be conscious creators, instead of continuing to get stuck in (old and obsolete) automatic patterns.

Empathy: In coaching, I hold space for you, listen to what you say, and reflect it back to you. By doing this, you can discover for yourself what limitations you are holding, and choose whether those beliefs are serving you in what you’re doing. I support you in being able to see old and automatic patterns as they come up, and to generate yourself at all times. Just being heard and understood has been a big help to a lot of clients. And the ability to recognize their patterns, coach themselves, and shift their approach and Being has been invaluable to those I’ve worked with.

Relationships: By becoming more self-aware, we become better at identifying our emotions, values, needs, wants and issues – and also listening to others and communicating more effectively. By becoming more responsible, we also see improvements in all forms of relationships. Clients have noted how their states of mind were impacting their self-image, professional and personal relationships, and social life – and improvements in all relationships since participating in coaching.

Breakthroughs: Through increased powers of observation (gaining self-awareness through exploration and discovery), and making measurable progress on projects, we develop a sense of trust in ourselves. We can see how we have always done things, determine whether we want to do it that way now, and make empowered choices for ourselves and our lives – leading to the results we want. My clients have said that they have lower levels or fear and stress, as they have gained a sense of trust in themselves. They are able to continually use the tools and concepts they learned through coaching to maintain a healthy equilibrium (they say “balance”) while moving and progressing through life. This leaves them feeling capable, confident and powerful – and shifts their experience of who they are and what’s possible.

Creativity: Living life from our old, automatic way makes us feel like we’re on a hamster wheel without an exit strategy. Practicing living life from our Essence encourages creative thinking and new actions to get ourselves in motion in our desired direction. By recognizing and practicing Being, they more quickly align with the vision of the future they want, and accomplish their goals more quickly than they previously thought was possible. My clients have eureka moments often, both in creating actions, and in realizing the results they get. They also report having better insight and creativity in approaching what comes up in life, and being more successful in all areas of their lives.

It’s time to invest in yourself, so that your life can be what you want. If you’re ready to discover who you truly are and maximize what you’re capable of, please contact me today!